Frequently Asked Questions

We are often asked how we protect your solar panels against birds. Here are the commonest answers. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

• Do birds get stuck in the netting?

Birds have been known to get stuck in bird netting. However, this is usually the case for poorly installed nets or when the wrong size net has been used.

• How long does anti-bird netting last?

Netting can last for approximately ten years. This is dependent on the environment it has been installed and if yearly maintenance has been carried out.

• Is netting suitable for other birds?

Yes, absolutely. Our netting installation services are suitable for all bird species. The only difference is the size of the netting used must reflect the size of the bird causing you problems. For example, seagull netting is larger than the netting installed for pigeon control.

• Will solar panels be cleaned when the bird proofing work commences?

Yes, we will remove bulk fouling from under the panels, and will clean the surfaces of the solar panels. Our bird proofing solar panel team will clear gutters under the arrays as standard and remove all waste from your home. The contaminated areas will be treated with biocide spray to eliminate any harmful pathogens.

• Do I need to install spikes on my ridge tiles?

Installing spikes on ridge tiles is purely down to preference. We usually find that bird proofing the solar panels is usually enough to do the job. However, we will happily provide you with additional options for either bird spikes or post & wire systems to be fitted.

If you do choose to use bird spikes, they are applied with high strength adhesive.


• Am I removing birds lawfully?

Cheaper companies tend not to be registered with the BPCA and we often find that they do not understand the laws behind removing birds, and the last thing we want is for you to be at risk of unlawful removal.

Some birds are covered by a general licence that allows you to remove birds to preserve public health and safety. However, Natural England provides guides and information on their website on how to deal with nesting birds on your property. But don’t worry, this will be handled by us.

• Do pigeons nest under solar panels?

Yes, it’s widespread to have pigeons under solar panels. The odd pigeon or two won’t cause any damage in the long run. However, if you have a group of pigeons that have decided your solar panels are a perfect nesting area then you’ll need to call a bird proofing solar panels expert.

• What areas of the UK does Solar Bird Guard cover?

Our expert bird proofing solar panel team operates in Cheshire, Liverpool, Manchester, Warrington and surrounding areas. However, we do have the capabilities to service the whole of the UK. So please get in touch to receive your free competitive quote